The story of a fallen being who steps into his purpose. His new understanding came from reflection. It was time to rise out of the dark place he was in spiritually. He decides to step into the light. To go forward he must also look back and become wise from hindsight. A realization happened; That which he sought, whether in good spirits or low spirits, was also seeking him. Becoming centered and focused, he received balance within and rose to the occasion. He finally understood the Law of Attraction.
This shoot required ingenuity. As a new face in the New York creative scene it was hard to find creatives to work with since I didn't have a community or network. I needed access to as many people around me as possible and an easy way to connect with them. So I did something daring, something different. I created a Tinder account where my name was "Photographer", my images were of my work, and I left it open to both men and women. Within an hour I had over 60 matches with creatives wanting to work with me. This shoot was a result of connecting with a fellow creative from The Bronx. We met early in the morning while the streets were bare to do the shoot and were the first ones on the location. It was an amazing experience and I developed a friend from it. It showed me that if you want it, you've got to think outside the box and go get it.
This shoot required ingenuity. As a new face in the New York creative scene it was hard to find creatives to work with since I didn't have a community or network. I needed access to as many people around me as possible and an easy way to connect with them. So I did something daring, something different. I created a Tinder account where my name was "Photographer", my images were of my work, and I left it open to both men and women. Within an hour I had over 60 matches with creatives wanting to work with me. This shoot was a result of connecting with a fellow creative from The Bronx. We met early in the morning while the streets were bare to do the shoot and were the first ones on the location. It was an amazing experience and I developed a friend from it. It showed me that if you want it, you've got to think outside the box and go get it.